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Car Rust Removal

Even your most trusted and the favorite car can get a little rusty. After years of use and driving, all the scratches and dings that can lead to rust start to accumulate. The longer you wait for repairs, the more rust spreads, the more dirt you have, and the more likely you are to face long-term effects like body and paint damage.


Don’t let rust stains get out of hand. Here at Maria Cars, our mechanics are experienced in removing rust deposits. We will deliver your car in the best possible condition. Please feel free to contact us if you are having trouble with body rust repair!

Why Choose Us

We know you care about the look and safety of your car. Maria Cars specialists know how to remove rust and are experienced in providing rust prevention services such as Scratch Repair and Dent Repair. Rust is usually caused by foreign substances such as salt, rain, bird droppings, tree sap, etc. that get on the car’s paintwork. Even cars kept in garages can rust if not cleaned and waxed properly.

  • Car wash: Washing your car frequently removes dirt and road grime and slows down the rate of corrosion. The undercarriage of the car is a part where rust is likely to occur, so special attention is required.
  • Fix the abrasions: Worn body panels and paint shavings expose your car’s metal body to the environment. Fix scuffs with paint stick or repaint the body.
  • Wax your car: Regular waxing not only makes your car shine, but also gives your car a varnish that protects it from the sun’s UV rays and road grime. Waxing also reduces the chance of scratches.

 Car Rust Remove@3000/-

Chipped paint repair involves removal rust; anti-rust treatments and a perfect refinish to bring the original glow. Flat pricing @ Rs.2999 per Panel with OEM Paints from Nippon &2K & Dupont!